(*                                                                  *)
(*  category.s7i  Category support library                          *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1991 - 1994, 2004, 2005, 2012  Thomas Mertes      *)
(*                2018, 2021, 2024  Thomas Mertes                   *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

 *  Describes the category of a ''reference''.
const type: category is newtype;


const proc: (ref category: dest) ::= (ref category: source)     is action "INT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref category: aValue)                      is action "GEN_DESTR";
const proc: (inout category: dest) := (in category: source)     is action "INT_CPY";

 *  Convert a [[string]] to a ''category''.
 *  @param catName Name of a category to be converted.
 *  @return the ''category'' result fo the conversion.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If there is no corresponding ''category''.
const func category: category (in string: catName)              is action "REF_CAT_PARSE";

 *  Default value of ''category'' (SYMBOLOBJECT).
const category: (attr category) . value is category("SYMBOLOBJECT");

 *  Check if two ''category'' values are equal.
 *  @return TRUE if both values are equal, FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in category: cat1) = (in category: cat2)   is action "INT_EQ";

 *  Check if two ''category'' values are not equal.
 *  @return FALSE if both values are equal, TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in category: cat1) <> (in category: cat2)  is action "INT_NE";

 *  Determine the ordinal number of a ''category''.
 *  @return a small [[integer]] which corresponds to ''aCategory''.
const func integer: ord (in category: aCategory)                is action "INT_ICONV1";

 *  Convert an [[integer]] number to ''category''.
 *  @return the ''category'' result of the conversion.
const func category: (attr category) conv (in integer: number)  is action "INT_ICONV3";

 *  Convert an [[integer]] number to ''category''.
 *  @return the ''category'' result of the conversion.
const func category: category (in integer: number)              is action "INT_ICONV1";

 *  Convert a ''category'' to a [[string]].
 *  @param aCategory Category to be converted.
 *  @return the [[string]] result of the conversion.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func string: str (in category: aCategory)                 is action "REF_CAT_STR";

 *  Convert a [[string]] to a ''category''.
 *  @param catName Name of a category to be converted.
 *  @return the ''category'' result fo the conversion.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If there is no corresponding ''category''.
const func category: (attr category) parse (in string: catName) is
    return category(catName);

const category: SYMBOLOBJECT      is category("SYMBOLOBJECT");
const category: DECLAREDOBJECT    is category("DECLAREDOBJECT");
const category: FORWARDOBJECT     is category("FORWARDOBJECT");
const category: FWDREFOBJECT      is category("FWDREFOBJECT");
const category: BLOCKOBJECT       is category("BLOCKOBJECT");
const category: CALLOBJECT        is category("CALLOBJECT");
const category: MATCHOBJECT       is category("MATCHOBJECT");
const category: TYPEOBJECT        is category("TYPEOBJECT");
const category: FORMPARAMOBJECT   is category("FORMPARAMOBJECT");
const category: INTOBJECT         is category("INTOBJECT");
const category: BIGINTOBJECT      is category("BIGINTOBJECT");
const category: CHAROBJECT        is category("CHAROBJECT");
const category: STRIOBJECT        is category("STRIOBJECT");
const category: BSTRIOBJECT       is category("BSTRIOBJECT");
const category: ARRAYOBJECT       is category("ARRAYOBJECT");
const category: HASHOBJECT        is category("HASHOBJECT");
const category: HASHELEMOBJECT    is category("HASHELEMOBJECT");
const category: STRUCTOBJECT      is category("STRUCTOBJECT");
const category: CLASSOBJECT       is category("CLASSOBJECT");
const category: INTERFACEOBJECT   is category("INTERFACEOBJECT");
const category: SETOBJECT         is category("SETOBJECT");
const category: FILEOBJECT        is category("FILEOBJECT");
const category: SOCKETOBJECT      is category("SOCKETOBJECT");
const category: POLLOBJECT        is category("POLLOBJECT");
const category: LISTOBJECT        is category("LISTOBJECT");
const category: FLOATOBJECT       is category("FLOATOBJECT");
const category: WINOBJECT         is category("WINOBJECT");
const category: POINTLISTOBJECT   is category("POINTLISTOBJECT");
const category: PROCESSOBJECT     is category("PROCESSOBJECT");
const category: CONSTENUMOBJECT   is category("CONSTENUMOBJECT");
const category: VARENUMOBJECT     is category("VARENUMOBJECT");
const category: REFOBJECT         is category("REFOBJECT");
const category: REFLISTOBJECT     is category("REFLISTOBJECT");
const category: EXPROBJECT        is category("EXPROBJECT");
const category: ACTOBJECT         is category("ACTOBJECT");
const category: VALUEPARAMOBJECT  is category("VALUEPARAMOBJECT");
const category: REFPARAMOBJECT    is category("REFPARAMOBJECT");
const category: RESULTOBJECT      is category("RESULTOBJECT");
const category: LOCALVOBJECT      is category("LOCALVOBJECT");
const category: DATABASEOBJECT    is category("DATABASEOBJECT");
const category: SQLSTMTOBJECT     is category("SQLSTMTOBJECT");
const category: PROGOBJECT        is category("PROGOBJECT");

 *  [[category|Category]] for-loop, looping from ''startValue'' upward to ''endValue''.
 *  The variable ''forVar'' is initialized with ''startValue''. The
 *  ''statements'' are executed repeatedly. After each repetition the
 *  variable ''forVar'' is incremented with ''forVar := category(succ(ord(forVar)))''.
 *  After the ''statements'' were executed with ''endValue'' the for-loop is
 *  terminated. If ''ord(startValue)'' is greater than ''ord(endValue)'' the
 *  ''statements'' are not executed at all.
const proc: for (inout category: forVar) range (in category: startValue) to (in category: endValue) do
              (in proc: statements)
            end for                                                     is action "PRC_FOR_TO";

 *  [[category|Category]] for-loop, looping from ''startValue'' downward to ''endValue''.
 *  The variable ''forVar'' is initialized with ''startValue''. The
 *  ''statements'' are executed repeatedly. After each repetition the
 *  variable ''forVar'' is decremented with ''forVar := category(pred(ord(forVar)))''.
 *  After the ''statements'' were executed with ''endValue'' the for-loop is
 *  terminated. If ''ord(startValue)'' is greater than ''ord(endValue)'' the
 *  ''statements'' are not executed at all.
const proc: for (inout category: forVar) range (in category: startValue) downto (in category: endValue) do
              (in proc: statements)
            end for                                                     is action "PRC_FOR_DOWNTO";
