(*                                                                  *)
(*  filesys.s7i   Interface for file systems (os, tar, zip, ...)    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024  Thomas Mertes *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bigint.s7i";
include "time.s7i";

 *  Type to describe the type of a file.
 *  Possible values are ''FILE_ABSENT'', ''FILE_UNKNOWN'',
 *  ''FILE_FIFO'', ''FILE_SYMLINK'' and ''FILE_SOCKET''. The value
 *  ''FILE_ABSENT'' is used to describe a nonexistent file.
const type: fileType is integer;

const fileType: FILE_ABSENT  is 0; # A component of path does not exist
const fileType: FILE_UNKNOWN is 1; # File exists but has an unknown type
const fileType: FILE_REGULAR is 2;
const fileType: FILE_DIR     is 3;
const fileType: FILE_CHAR    is 4;
const fileType: FILE_BLOCK   is 5;
const fileType: FILE_FIFO    is 6;
const fileType: FILE_SYMLINK is 7;
const fileType: FILE_SOCKET  is 8;

const integer: MAX_SYMLINK_CHAIN_LENGTH is 5;

 *  Type to describe one file permission.
 *  Possible values are ''EXEC_OTHER'', ''WRITE_OTHER'', ''READ_OTHER'',
 *  ''WRITE_USER'' and ''READ_USER''.
const type: filePermission is new enum
  end enum;

 *  Type to describe the mode (all permissions) of a file.
 *  A ''fileMode'' is a set of [[#filePermission|filePermission]].
 *  A test for a permission is a set mempership test. E.g.:
 *   EXEC_USER in aFileMode
const type: fileMode is set of filePermission;

const func integer: integer (in fileMode: mode) is
  return integer(bitset(mode));

const func integer: (attr integer) conv (in fileMode: mode) is
  return integer(bitset(mode));

const func fileMode: fileMode (in integer: int_mode) is
  return fileMode conv (bitset(int_mode));

const func fileMode: (attr fileMode) conv (in integer: int_mode) is
  return fileMode conv (bitset(int_mode));

const func string: str (in fileMode: mode) is func
    var string: permissions is "rwxrwxrwx";
    var filePermission: aPermission is READ_USER;
    for aPermission range READ_USER downto EXEC_OTHER do
      if aPermission not in mode then
        permissions @:= [9 - ord(aPermission)] '-';
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;


 *  Removes dot files (. and ..) from a path.
 *   removeDotFiles("/home/myuser/aFile/..")          returns "/home/myuser"
 *   removeDotFiles("/aDir/aFile/../../home/myuser")  returns "/home/myuser"
 *   removeDotFiles("/aDir/aFile/../../..")           returns "/"
 *   removeDotFiles("aDir/aFile/../../..")            returns ".."
 *   removeDotFiles("aDir/./aFile/.")                 returns "aDir/aFile"
 *  @param path Absolute or relative path where the dot files should
 *         be removed.
 *  @return an absolute or relative path without dot files.
const func string: removeDotFiles (in string: path) is func
    var string: resultPath is "";
    var integer: dotdotPos is 0;
    var integer: slashPos is 0;
    resultPath := replace(path, "/./", "/");
    dotdotPos := pos(resultPath, "/..");
    while dotdotPos <> 0 do
      slashPos := rpos(resultPath, '/', pred(dotdotPos));
      if length(resultPath) = dotdotPos + 2 then
        if slashPos <= 1 then
          if startsWith(resultPath, "/") then
            resultPath := "/";
          elsif resultPath = "../.." then
            resultPath := "..";
            resultPath := ".";
          end if;
          resultPath := resultPath[.. pred(slashPos)];
        end if;
        dotdotPos := 0;
      elsif resultPath[dotdotPos + 3] = '/' then
        if slashPos <> 0 then
          resultPath := resultPath[.. pred(slashPos)] & resultPath[dotdotPos + 3 ..];
          if startsWith(resultPath, "/") then
            resultPath := resultPath[dotdotPos + 3 ..];
            resultPath := resultPath[dotdotPos + 4 ..];
          end if;
        end if;
        dotdotPos := pos(resultPath, "/..");
        dotdotPos := pos(resultPath, "/..", succ(dotdotPos));
      end if;
    end while;
    if endsWith(resultPath, "/.") then
      if resultPath = "/." then
        resultPath := "/";
        resultPath := resultPath[.. length(resultPath) - 2];
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Destination of the symlink ''symlinkPath'' with the target ''targetPath''.
 *  Symbolic links can be relative or absolute. Relative symbolic links are
 *  relative to their place in the file system and not relative to the
 *  current working directory.
 *  @param symlinkPath Path of the symbolic link.
 *  @param targetPath Relative or absolute target of the symbolic link:
 *  @return an absolute or relative destination of the symbolic link.
const func string: symlinkDestination (in string: symlinkPath, in string: targetPath) is func
    var string: destination is "";
    var integer: slashPos is 0;
    var string: symlinkDir is "";
    if startsWith(targetPath, "/") then
      destination := targetPath;
      slashPos := rpos(symlinkPath, '/');
      if slashPos > 1 then
        symlinkDir := symlinkPath[.. pred(slashPos)];
      elsif slashPos = 1 then
        symlinkDir := "/";
        symlinkDir := ".";
      end if;
      if symlinkDir = "/" then
        destination := "/" & targetPath;
        destination := symlinkDir & "/" & targetPath;
      end if;
    end if;
    destination := removeDotFiles(destination);
  end func;

 *  Interface type for file systems ([[osfiles#osFileSys|os]], [[ar#arArchive|ar]], [[tar#tarArchive|tar]], [[zip#zipArchive|zip]], [[zip#zipArchive|jar]], [[cpio#cpioArchive|cpio]], [[rpm#rpmArchive|rpm]], [[ftp#ftpConnection|ftp]], ...).
const type: fileSys is sub object interface;

 *  Close a file system.
const proc: close (inout fileSys: fileSystem) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the filenames in a directory of a file system.
 *  Note that the function returns only the file names.
 *  Additional information must be obtained with other calls.
 *  @param fileSystem File system in which the directory is searched for.
 *  @param dirPath Path of a directory in the file system.
 *  @return an array with the file names.
const func array string: readDir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Paths of files in a directory and its subdirectories inside a file system.
 *  The function returns the file paths relative to the given directory.
 *  @param fileSystem File system in which the directory is searched for.
 *  @param dirPath Path of a directory in the file system.
 *  @return an array with the file paths.
const func array string: readDir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath,

 *  Determine the file names in the top directory of a file system.
 *  @return an array with the file names.
const func array string: readDir (inout fileSys: fileSystem) is
  return readDir(fileSystem, ".");

 *  Determine all file paths in a file system.
 *  @return an array with the file paths.
const func array string: readDir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, RECURSIVE) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the type of a file.
 *  The function does follow symbolic links. Therefore it never
 *  returns ''FILE_SYMLINK''. A return value of ''FILE_ABSENT'' does
 *  not imply that a file with this name can be created, since missing
 *  directories and invalid file names cause also ''FILE_ABSENT''.
 *  @return the type of the file.
const func fileType: fileType (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the type of a file.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links. Therefore it may
 *  return ''FILE_SYMLINK''. A return value of ''FILE_ABSENT'' does
 *  not imply that a file with this name can be created, since missing
 *  directories and invalid file names cause also ''FILE_ABSENT''.
 *  @return the type of the file.
const func fileType: fileTypeSL (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the file size of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links. The file size is measured in bytes.
 *  For directories a size of 0 is returned.
 *  @return the size of the file.
const func integer: fileSize (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the file size of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links. The file size is measured in bytes.
 *  For directories a size of 0 is returned.
 *  @return the size of the file.
const func bigInteger: bigFileSize (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the file mode (permissions) of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the file mode.
const func fileMode: getFileMode (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

# The function fileMode() is deprecated. Use getFileMode() instead.
const func fileMode: fileMode (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is
  return getFileMode(fileSystem, filePath);

 *  Change the file mode (permissions) of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: setFileMode (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in fileMode: mode) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the modification time of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the modification time of the file.
const func time: getMTime (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the modification time of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
const proc: setMTime (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in time: modificationTime) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the name of the owner (UID) of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the name of the file owner.
const func string: getOwner (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the owner of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
const proc: setOwner (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in string: owner) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the name of the group (GID) to which a file belongs.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the name of the file group.
const func string: getGroup (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the group of a file.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
const proc: setGroup (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in string: group) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the file mode (permissions) of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the file mode.
const func fileMode: getFileMode (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the modification time of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the modification time of the symbolic link.
const func time: getMTime (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the modification time of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
const proc: setMTime (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in time: modificationTime, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the name of the owner (UID) of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the name of the file owner.
const func string: getOwner (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the owner of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
const proc: setOwner (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in string: owner, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the name of the group (GID) to which a symbolic link belongs.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the name of the file group.
const func string: getGroup (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Set the group of a symbolic link.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
const proc: setGroup (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in string: group, SYMLINK) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Open a file with ''filePath'' and ''mode'' in the file system.
const func file: open (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath,
    in string: mode) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Get the contents of file ''filePath'' in the file system.
 *  @return the specified file as string.
const func string: getFile (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Write ''stri'' to the file ''filePath'' using the file system.
 *  If the file exists already, it is overwritten.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: putFile (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath, in string: stri) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Reads the destination of a symbolic link.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
 *  @return The destination referred by the symbolic link.
const func string: readLink (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Create a symbolic link.
 *  The symbolic link ''symlinkPath'' will refer to ''targetPath'' afterwards.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
 *  @param fileSystem Open file system.
 *  @param symlinkPath Name of the symbolic link to be created.
 *  @param targetPath String to be contained in the symbolic link.
const proc: makeLink (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: symlinkPath,
    in string: targetPath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Remove a file (except a nonempty directory), from a file system.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
 *  @param fileSystem Open file system.
 *  @param filePath Name of the file to be removed.
const proc: removeFile (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Remove a file of any type inclusive a directory tree, from a file system.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: removeTree (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Move and rename a file or directory tree in a file system.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: moveFile (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: sourcePath, in string: destPath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Create a directory in the file system.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
 *  @param fileSystem Open file system.
 *  @param dirPath Name of the directory to be created.
const proc: makeDir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath) is DYNAMIC;

# The function mkdir() is deprecated. Use makeDir() instead.
const proc: mkdir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath) is func
    makeDir(fileSystem, dirPath);
  end func;

 *  Deletes an empty directory in the file system.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: rmdir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine the current working directory of the file system.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
 *  @return the current working directory as absolute path.
const func string: getcwd (inout fileSys: fileSystem) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Change the current working directory of the file system.
 *  Not all file systems support this function.
const proc: chdir (inout fileSys: fileSystem, in string: dirPath) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Describes an empty file system.
const type: emptyFileSys is new struct
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(emptyFileSys, fileSys);

 *  Default value of ''fileSys'' (emptyFileSys.value).
const fileSys: (attr fileSys) . value is emptyFileSys.value;

 *  Paths of files in a directory and its subdirectories inside a file system.
 *  The function returns the file paths relative to the given directory.
 *  @param fileSystem File system in which the directory is searched for.
 *  @param dirPath Path of a directory in the file system.
 *  @return an array with the file paths.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''dirPath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''dirPath'' is not present in the file system.
const func array string: readDir (inout emptyFileSys: fileSystem,
    in var string: dirPath, RECURSIVE) is func
    var array string: filePaths is 0 times "";
    var array string: pathsInDir is 0 times "";
    var string: path is "";
    var string: base is "";
    var string: subPath is "";
    if dirPath <> "/" and endsWith(dirPath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      pathsInDir := readDir(fileSystem, dirPath);
      if dirPath <> "/" then
        dirPath &:= "/";
      end if;
      for path range pathsInDir do
        filePaths &:= path;
        if endsWith(path, "/") then
          base := path;
          base := path & "/";
        end if;
        if fileType(fileSystem, dirPath & path) = FILE_DIR then
          for subPath range readDir(fileSystem, dirPath & path) do
            filePaths &:= base & subPath;
          end for;
        end if;
      end for;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the file size of a file.
 *  The file size is measured in bytes.
 *  For directories a size of 0 is returned.
 *  @return the size of the file.
const func bigInteger: bigFileSize (inout emptyFileSys: fileSystem, in string: filePath) is
  return bigInteger(fileSize(fileSystem, filePath));