(*                                                                  *)
(*  process.s7i   Support for creating processes                    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016, 2021, 2022  Thomas Mertes            *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "osfiles.s7i";
include "cc_conf.s7i";
include "stdio.s7i";

 *  Type to manage processes.
const type: process is newtype;


const proc: (ref process: dest) ::= (in process: source)     is action "PCS_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref process: aValue)                    is action "PCS_DESTR";
const proc: (inout process: dest) := (in process: source)    is action "PCS_CPY";
const func process: _GENERATE_EMPTY_PROCESS                  is action "PCS_EMPTY";
const process: (attr process) . EMPTY                        is _GENERATE_EMPTY_PROCESS;

 *  Default value of ''process'' (process.EMPTY).
const process: (attr process) . value                        is _GENERATE_EMPTY_PROCESS;

 *  Check if two processes are equal.
 *  Processes are compared with the process identifier (PID).
 *  @return TRUE if the two processes are equal,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in process: process1) = (in process: process2)  is action "PCS_EQ";

 *  Check if two processes are not equal.
 *  Processes are compared with the process identifier (PID).
 *  @return TRUE if both processes are not equal,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in process: process1) <> (in process: process2) is action "PCS_NE";

 *  Compare two process values.
 *  The order of two processes is determined by comparing the process
 *  identifiers (PID). Therefore the result of ''compare'' may change
 *  if the program is executed again. Inside a program the result
 *  of ''compare'' is consistent and can be used to maintain hash
 *  tables.
 *  @return -1, 0 or 1 if the first argument is considered to be
 *          respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the
 *          second.
const func integer: compare (in process: process1, in process: process2) is action "PCS_CMP";

 *  Compute the hash value of a process.
 *  @return the hash value.
const func integer: hashCode (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_HASHCODE";

 *  Convert a ''process'' to a [[string]].
 *  The process is converted to a string with the process identifier (PID).
 *  @return the string result of the conversion.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func string: str (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_STR";

 *  Test whether the specified process is alive.
 *  @return TRUE if the specified process has not yet terminated,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: isAlive (in process: process1) is action "PCS_IS_ALIVE";

const func process: startProcess (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout clib_file: stdin, inout clib_file: stdout, inout clib_file: stderr) is action "PCS_START";

const func process: startProcess (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout file: stdin, inout file: stdout, inout file: stderr) is func
    var process: aProcess is process.value;
    var clib_file: stdinFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var clib_file: stdoutFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var clib_file: stderrFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: aFile is external_file.value;
    if stdin <> STD_NULL then
      aFile := external_file conv stdin;
      stdinFile := aFile.ext_file;
    end if;
    if stdout <> STD_NULL then
      aFile := external_file conv stdout;
      stdoutFile := aFile.ext_file;
    end if;
    if stderr <> STD_NULL then
      aFile := external_file conv stderr;
      stderrFile := aFile.ext_file;
    end if;
    aProcess := startProcess(command, parameters, stdinFile, stdoutFile, stderrFile);
  end func;

 *  Start a new process.
 *  The command path must lead to an executable file. The environment
 *  variable PATH is not used to search for an executable.
 *  @param command Name of the command to be executed. A path must
 *         use the standard path representation.
 *  @param parameters Array of argument strings passed to the new
 *         program.
 *  @return the process that has been started.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to convert 'command'
 *             to the system path type.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR 'command' is not representable in the
 *             system path type.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file does not exist or does not
 *             have execute permission.
const func process: startProcess (in string: command, in array string: parameters) is
  return startProcess(command, parameters, STD_IN.ext_file, STD_OUT.ext_file,

 *  Start a new process.
 *  The command path must lead to an executable file. The environment
 *  variable PATH is not used to search for an executable.
 *  @param cmdAndParams Command to be executed and optional space
 *         separated list of parameters. Command and parameters
 *         must be space separated.
 *  @return the process that has been started.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to convert 'command'
 *             to the system path type.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR 'command' is not representable in the
 *             system path type.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file does not exist or does not
 *             have execute permission.
const func process: startProcess (in var string: cmdAndParams) is func
    var process: childProcess is process.value;
    var string: command is "";
    var string: parameter is "";
    var array string: parameters is 0 times "";
    command := getCommandLineWord(cmdAndParams);
    parameter := getCommandLineWord(cmdAndParams);
    while parameter <> "" do
      parameters &:= parameter;
      parameter := getCommandLineWord(cmdAndParams);
    end while;
    childProcess := startProcess(command, parameters);
  end func;

const func clib_file: childStdInClibFile (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_CHILD_STDIN";
const func clib_file: childStdOutClibFile (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_CHILD_STDOUT";
const func clib_file: childStdErrClibFile (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_CHILD_STDERR";

 *  Returns the standard input file (stdin) of the given child process.
 *  If the standard input file of the subprocess has been redirected
 *  then this function will return NULL.
 *  @return the standard input file of 'aProcess' or
 *          STD_NULL, if stdin has been redirected.
const func file: childStdIn (in process: aProcess) is func
    var file: stdIn is STD_NULL;
    var clib_file: stdinClibFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: new_file is external_file.value;
    stdinClibFile := childStdInClibFile(aProcess);
    if stdinClibFile <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_file.ext_file := stdinClibFile;
      stdIn:= toInterface(new_file);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Returns the standard output file (stdout) of the given child process.
 *  If the standard output file of the subprocess has been redirected
 *  then this function will return NULL.
 *  @return the standard output file of 'aProcess' or
 *          STD_NULL, if stdout has been redirected.
const func file: childStdOut (in process: aProcess) is func
    var file: stdOut is STD_NULL;
    var clib_file: stdoutClibFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: new_file is external_file.value;
    stdoutClibFile := childStdOutClibFile(aProcess);
    if stdoutClibFile <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_file.ext_file := stdoutClibFile;
      stdOut:= toInterface(new_file);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Returns the error output file (stderr) of the given child process.
 *  If the standard error file of the subprocess has been redirected
 *  then this function will return NULL.
 *  @return the error output file of 'aProcess' or
 *          STD_NULL, if stderr has been redirected.
const func file: childStdErr (in process: aProcess) is func
    var file: stdErr is STD_NULL;
    var clib_file: stderrClibFile is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: new_file is external_file.value;
    stderrClibFile := childStdErrClibFile(aProcess);
    if stderrClibFile <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_file.ext_file := stderrClibFile;
      stdErr:= toInterface(new_file);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Kill the specified process.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR It was not possible to kill the process.
const proc: kill (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_KILL";

 *  Wait until the specified child process has terminated.
 *  Suspend the execution of the calling process until the
 *  specified child has terminated.
const proc: waitFor (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_WAIT_FOR";

 *  Return the exit value of the specified process.
 *  By convention, the value 0 indicates normal termination.
 *  @return the exit value of the specified process.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The process has not yet terminated.
const func integer: exitValue (in process: aProcess) is action "PCS_EXIT_VALUE";

 *  Returns the search path of the system as [[array]] of [[string]]s.
 *  @return the search path of the system.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to create the result.
const func array string: getSearchPath  is action "CMD_GET_SEARCH_PATH";

 *  Sets the search path from an array of strings.
 *  The search path is used by the current process and its sub processes.
 *  The path of parent processes is not affected by this function.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to convert the path
 *             to the system string type.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The path cannot be converted to the
 *             system string type or a system function returns an error.
const proc: setSearchPath (in array string: searchPath)  is action "CMD_SET_SEARCH_PATH";

 *  Search for an executable in the directories of the search path.
 *  @return the absolute path of the executable or "" if
 *          the executable was not found.
const func string: commandPath (in string: command) is func
    var string: cmdPath is "";
    var string: path is "";
    var string: filePath is "";
    var boolean: searching is TRUE;
    if pos(command, '/') = 0 then
      for path range getSearchPath do
        filePath := path & "/" & command & ccConf.EXECUTABLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
        if searching and fileType(filePath) = FILE_REGULAR and
            getFileMode(filePath) & {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER} <> fileMode.value then
          searching := FALSE;
          cmdPath := filePath;
        end if;
      end for;
      if startsWith(command, "/") then
        cmdPath := command & ccConf.EXECUTABLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
        cmdPath := getcwd;
        if cmdPath = "/" then
          cmdPath &:= command & ccConf.EXECUTABLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
          cmdPath &:= "/" & command & ccConf.EXECUTABLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
        end if;
      end if;
      if fileType(cmdPath) <> FILE_REGULAR or
          getFileMode(cmdPath) & {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER} = fileMode.value then
        cmdPath := "";
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Search for the directory of an executable in the search path.
 *  @return the absolute path of the directory of the executable or
 *          "" if the executable was not found.
const func string: commandDir (in string: command) is func
    var string: cmdDir is "";
    var string: path is "";
    var string: filePath is "";
    var boolean: searching is TRUE;
    var integer: lastSlashPos is 0;
    if pos(command, '/') = 0 then
      for path range getSearchPath do
        filePath := path & "/" & command & ccConf.EXECUTABLE_FILE_EXTENSION;
        if searching and fileType(filePath) = FILE_REGULAR and
            getFileMode(filePath) & {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER} <> fileMode.value then
          searching := FALSE;
          cmdDir := path;
        end if;
      end for;
    elsif startsWith(command, "/") then
      lastSlashPos := rpos(command, '/');
      if lastSlashPos = 1 then
        cmdDir := "/";
        cmdDir := command[.. pred(lastSlashPos)];
      end if;
      cmdDir := getcwd;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: pipe2 (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout clib_file: primitiveChildStdin,
    inout clib_file: primitiveChildStdout) is action "PCS_PIPE2";

 *  Start a process and connect pipes to its standard I/O files.
 *  The command path must lead to an executable file. The environment
 *  variable PATH is not used to search for an executable. Pipe2
 *  can be used to execute programs which process a stream of data.
 *  Interactive programs buffer their I/O if they are not connected
 *  to a terminal. Pipe2 has no influence of the buffering of the
 *  executed command. Therefore interactive programs might not work
 *  correctly with pipe2.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to convert 'command'
 *             to the system path type.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR 'command' is not representable in the
 *             system path type.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file does not exist or does not
 *             have execute permission.
const proc: pipe2 (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout file: childStdin, inout file: childStdout) is func
    var clib_file: primitiveChildStdin is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var clib_file: primitiveChildStdout is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: new_ChildStdin is external_file.value;
    var external_file: new_ChildStdout is external_file.value;
    pipe2(command, parameters, primitiveChildStdin, primitiveChildStdout);
    if primitiveChildStdin <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_ChildStdin.ext_file := primitiveChildStdin;
      childStdin := toInterface(new_ChildStdin);
    end if;
    if primitiveChildStdout <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      # setbuf(primitiveChildStdout, IO_NO_BUFFERING, 0);
      new_ChildStdout.ext_file := primitiveChildStdout;
      childStdout := toInterface(new_ChildStdout);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: pty (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout clib_file: primitiveChildStdin,
    inout clib_file: primitiveChildStdout) is action "PCS_PTY";

const proc: pty (in string: command, in array string: parameters,
    inout file: childStdin, inout file: childStdout) is func
    var clib_file: primitiveChildStdin is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var clib_file: primitiveChildStdout is CLIB_NULL_FILE;
    var external_file: new_ChildStdin is external_file.value;
    var external_file: new_ChildStdout is external_file.value;
    pty(command, parameters, primitiveChildStdin, primitiveChildStdout);
    if primitiveChildStdin <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_ChildStdin.ext_file := primitiveChildStdin;
      childStdin := toInterface(new_ChildStdin);
    end if;
    if primitiveChildStdout <> CLIB_NULL_FILE then
      new_ChildStdout.ext_file := primitiveChildStdout;
      childStdout := toInterface(new_ChildStdout);
    end if;
  end func;