| USER | | Username |
| PASS | | Password |
| SYST | | Write the name of the operating system |
| FEAT | | List the FTP features supported |
| PASV | | Enter passive mode |
| PORT | | Open port in active mode |
| LIST | | List files (with details) |
| NLST | | List file names |
| MLSD | | List the contents of a directory |
| MLST | | Provides data about the object named |
| RETR | | Retrieve a file (from remote) |
| STOR | | Store a file (to remote) |
| DELE | | Delete file |
| SIZE | | Determine file size |
| MDTM | | Modification time of a file |
| CWD | | Change working directory |
| CDUP | | Change working directory upwards |
| PWD | | Print current working directory |
| MKD | | Make directory |
| RMD | | Remove directory |
| RNFR | | Rename from (must be followed by RNTO) |
| RNTO | | Rename to (following RNFR) |
| TYPE | | Set the transfer type (ASCII/Binary) |
| MODE | | Set the transfer mode (Stream, Block, or Compressed) |
| STRU | | Set file transfer structure |
| QUIT | | Disconnect |