Type |
Name |
Description |
boolean |
TRUE, if the Seed7 runtime library uses strings with capacity.
The capacity of a string can be larger than its size.
Strings with capacity can be enlarged without calling realloc(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if the actual characters of a string can be stored elsewhere.
This allows string slices without the need to copy characters. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the actual characters of a bstring can be stored elsewhere.
This allows bstring slices without the need to copy characters. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the sign of negative signed integers is preserved with a
right shift. The C standard specifies that the right shift of signed integers is
implementation defined, if the shifted values are negative. |
boolean |
TRUE, if signed integers are represented as twos complement
numbers. This allows some simplified range checks in compiled
programs. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the byte ordering of integers is little endian. |
boolean |
TRUE, if float comparisons with NaN and negative zero work okay.
A comparison between NaN and any other value should return FALSE.
Negative zero should be considered as identical to positive zero.
Comparison refers to comparisons with == < > <= or >= .
If FLOAT_COMPARISON_OKAY is FALSE fltEq(), fltLt(), fltGt(), fltLe()
and fltGe() should be used to do comparisons of float values. |
boolean |
TRUE, if pow() works okay for a base of zero, one or NaN.
If it is FALSE fltPow() should be used instead of pow(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if fmod() works okay for Infinity, NaN and zero.
If it is FALSE fltRem() should be used instead of fmod(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if sqrt() works okay for a negative argument.
If it is FALSE fltSqrt() should be used instead of sqrt(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if exp() works okay for NaN.
If it is FALSE fltExp() should be used instead of exp(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if log() works okay for zero, a negative values and NaN.
If it is FALSE fltLog() should be used instead of log(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if log10() works okay for zero, a negative values and NaN.
If it is FALSE fltLog10() should be used instead of log10(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if log1p() works okay for -1.0, values < -1.0 and NaN.
If it is FALSE fltLog1p() should be used instead of log1p(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if log2() works okay for zero, a negative values and NaN.
If it is FALSE fltLog2() should be used instead of log2(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if ldexp() works okay for NaN.
If it is FALSE fltLdexp() should be used instead of lsexp(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if frexp() works okay for Infinity, NaN and subnormal numbers.
If it is FALSE fltDecompose() should be used instead of frexp(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if the functions sigsetjmp() and siglongjmp() are available.
If it is FALSE the functions setjmp() and longjmp() must be used instead. |
boolean |
TRUE if integer divisions must be checked for a division by zero.
This applies to the division operations div and mdiv.
The generated C code should, if a division by zero occurs,
raise the exception NUMERIC_ERROR instead of doing the
illegal divide operation. If CHECK_INT_DIV_BY_ZERO is FALSE
a division by zero always triggers SIGFPE. SIGFPE is caught
by the Seed7 run-time library and triggers a NUMERIC_ERROR. |
boolean |
TRUE if the C expression 0/0 might not trigger SIGFPE.
C compilers assume that so called "undefined behavior" will
not happen. According to the C standard a division by 0
triggers undefined behavior. This way a C compiler is allowed
to optimize the expressions 0/0 and 0/variable to 0. Likewise
the expression variable/variable can be optimized to 1.
In Seed7 a division by zero is defined behavior, since it
raises the exception NUMERIC_ERROR. This configuration
setting applies to the division operations div and mdiv.
The generated C code should, if a division by zero occurs,
raise the exception NUMERIC_ERROR instead of allowing the
C compiler to do its optimization. |
boolean |
TRUE if integer remainder must be checked for a division by zero.
This applies to the division operations rem and mod.
The generated C code should, if a remainder by zero occurs,
raise the exception NUMERIC_ERROR instead of doing the
illegal divide operation. If CHECK_INT_REM_BY_ZERO is FALSE
a remainder by zero always triggers SIGFPE. SIGFPE is caught
by the Seed7 run-time library and triggers a NUMERIC_ERROR. |
boolean |
TRUE if the C expression 0%0 might not trigger SIGFPE.
C compilers assume that so called "undefined behavior" will
not happen. According to the C standard a division by 0
triggers undefined behavior. This way a C compiler is allowed
to optimize the expressions 0%0 and 0%variable to 0. Likewise
the expression variable%variable can be optimized to 0.
In Seed7 a division by zero is defined behavior, since it
raises the exception NUMERIC_ERROR. This configuration
setting applies to the division operations rem and mod.
The generated C code should, if a division by zero occurs,
raise the exception NUMERIC_ERROR instead of allowing the
C compiler to do its optimization. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C compiler classifies a floating point division by zero as fatal error. |
boolean |
TRUE, if a C floating point division by zero does not return the IEEE 754
values Infinity, -Infinity or NaN. In this case the interpreter checks all
float divisions and returns the correct result. Additionally the Seed7 to C
compiler generates C code, which checks all float divisions ( / and /:= ) for
division by zero. The generated C code should return Infinity,
-Infinity or NaN instead of doing the divide operation. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C function exp2() is present. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C function exp10() is present. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C function expm1() is present. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C function cbrt() is present. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C compiler limits the length of string literals.
Some C compilers limit the maximum string literal length.
There are limits of 2,048 bytes and 16,384 (16K) bytes.
The actual limit is not interesting, but the fact that
a limit exists or does not exist. |
boolean |
TRUE, if switch statements work with 64-bit values. |
boolean |
TRUE, if a compound statement is allowed in a parentesized expression. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the C compiler accepts UTF-8 encoded file names in #line directives.
The file names from #line directives are used by the debugger to
allow source code debugging. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the main function is named wmain.
This is a way to support Unicode command line
arguments under Windows. An alternate way to
support Unicode command line arguments under
Windows uses the functions getUtf16Argv() and
freeUtf16Argv() (both defined in "cmd_win.c"). |
boolean |
TRUE, if the main function is named WinMain. |
boolean |
TRUE, if the main function must be terminated with doExit(). |
boolean |
TRUE, if the type floatType is double.
If it is FALSE floatType is float. |
integer |
Size of the type intType in bits (either 32 or 64). |
integer |
Size of the type floatType in bits (either FLOAT_SIZE or DOUBLE_SIZE). |
integer |
Size of a pointer in bits. |
integer |
This is also the size in bits of the types rtlValueunion,
rtlObjecttype and generictype (defined in data_rtl.h). |
integer |
Size of the type int in bits. |
integer |
Minimum value of the type int. |
integer |
Maximum value of the type int. |
integer |
Size of the type long in bits. |
integer |
Number of mantissa bits in the binary floatType representation. |
integer |
Exponent offset in the binary floatType representation. To get the actual exponent the offset must be subtracted. |
integer |
Maximum from the continuous range of integers that map to floats.
All integers from -INT_RANGE_IN_FLOATTYPE_MAX to
INT_RANGE_IN_FLOATTYPE_MAX can be converted to floatType
and back to intType without loss. |
integer |
Minimum value that trunc() or round() can convert.
if trunc() or round() is applied to them. |
integer |
Maximum value that trunc() or round() can convert.
if trunc() or round() is applied to them. |
integer |
Mask for the red color in a pixel. 0 if there is no mapping and drwRgbColor() should be used. |
integer |
Mask for the green color in a pixel. 0 if there is no mapping and drwRgbColor() should be used. |
integer |
Mask for the blue color in a pixel. 0 if there is no mapping and drwRgbColor() should be used. |
string |
Name of the variable deciding between macro and drwRgbColor(). "" if no variable needs to be checked. |
integer |
Multiplier for the linear congruential generator. A well known pseudorandom number generator algorithm. |
integer |
Increment for the linear congruential generator. A well known pseudorandom number generator algorithm. |
string |
Name of a type for the boolean values 0 and 1.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type boolType with BOOLTYPE. |
string |
Name of a signed integer type that is 32 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type int32Type with INT32TYPE. |
string |
Name of an unsigned integer type that is 32 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type uint32Type with UINT32TYPE. |
string |
Name of a signed integer type that is 64 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type int64Type with INT64TYPE. |
string |
Name of an unsigned integer type that is 64 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type uint64Type with UINT64TYPE. |
string |
Name of a signed integer type that is 128 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type int128Type with INT128TYPE. Empty string if
there is no 128-bit signed integer type. |
string |
Name of an unsigned integer type that is 128 bits wide.
The runtime library and the compiler use a typedef to define
the type uint128Type with UINT128TYPE. Empty string if
there is no 128-bit unsigned integer type. |
string |
The suffix used by the literals of the type int32Type. |
string |
The suffix used by the literals of the type int64Type. |
string |
Definition of several macros (likely, unlikely, noreturn). |
string |
Name of the signal that is raised if an integer overflow
occurs. Empty string if integer overflow does not raise
a signal. |
string |
Name of a C compiler builtin function to add with overflow check.
Empty string if there is no such builtin function. |
string |
Name of a C compiler builtin function to subtract with overflow check.
Empty string if there is no such builtin function. |
string |
Name of a C compiler builtin function to multiply with overflow check.
Empty string if there is no such builtin function. |