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Operator Summary
(attr string) . value
Default value of string ("").
(in string: stri) mult (in integer: factor)
String multiplication.
(in string: stri) lpad (in integer: length)
Pad a string with spaces at the left side up to a given length.
(in string: stri) lpad0 (in integer: length)
Pad a string with zeroes at the left side up to a given length.
(in string: stri) rpad (in integer: length)
Pad a string with spaces at the right side up to a given length.
(in string: stri1) & (in string: stri2)
Concatenate two strings.
(in string: stri1) <& (in string: stri2)
Concatenate two strings.
(in string: stri) [ (in integer: index) ]
Get a character, identified by an index, from a string.
(in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) .. ]
Get a substring beginning at a start position.
(in string: stri) [ .. (in integer: stop) ]
Get a substring ending at a stop position.
(in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) .. (in integer: stop) ]
Get a substring from a start position to a stop position.
(in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) len (in integer: length) ]
Get a substring from a start position with a given length.
(in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) fixLen (in integer: length) ]
Get a substring from a start position with a guaranteed length.
(inout string: destination) &:= (in string: extension)
Append the string extension to destination.
(inout string: destination) &:= (in char: extension)
Append the char extension to destination.
(inout string: destination) @:= [ (in integer: position) ] (in char: source)
Assign char source to the position of the destination.
(inout string: destination) @:= [ (in integer: position) ] (in string: source)
Assign string source to the position of the destination.
(in string: stri1) = (in string: stri2)
Check if two strings are equal.
(in string: stri1) <> (in string: stri2)
Check if two strings are not equal.
(in string: stri1) < (in string: stri2)
Check if stri1 is less than stri2.
(in string: stri1) > (in string: stri2)
Check if stri1 is greater than stri2.
(in string: stri1) <= (in string: stri2)
Check if stri1 is less than or equal to stri2.
(in string: stri1) >= (in string: stri2)
Check if stri1 is greater than or equal to stri2.
(attr string) parse (in string: stri)
Convert to a string.

Function Summary
compare (in string: stri1, in string: stri2)
Compare two strings.
hashCode (in string: stri)
Compute the hash value of a string.
length (in string: stri)
Determine the length of a string.
startsWith (in string: stri, in string: prefix)
Determine if a string starts with a prefix.
endsWith (in string: stri, in string: suffix)
Determine if a string ends with a suffix.
equalAtIndex (in string: stri, in string: searched, in integer: index)
Check if stri has the searched characters starting from index.
pos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched)
Determine leftmost position of string searched in mainStri.
pos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched)
Determine leftmost position of char searched in mainStri.
pos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in integer: fromIndex)
Search string searched in mainStri at or after fromIndex.
pos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched, in integer: fromIndex)
Search char searched in mainStri at or after fromIndex.
rpos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched)
Determine rightmost position of string searched in mainStri.
rpos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched)
Determine rightmost position of char searched in mainStri.
rpos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in integer: fromIndex)
Search string searched in mainStri at or before fromIndex.
rpos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched, in integer: fromIndex)
Search char searched in mainStri at or before fromIndex.
replace (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)
Replace occurrences of searched in mainStri by replacement.
replace1 (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)
Replace one occurrence of searched in mainStri by replacement.
replaceN (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)
Replace all occurrences of searched in mainStri by replacement.
replace2 (in string: mainStri, in string: search1, in string: search2, in string: replacement)
Replace occurrences of search1 followed by search2 with replacement.
upper (in string: stri)
Convert a string to upper case.
lower (in string: stri)
Convert a string to lower case.
width (in string: stri)
Number of screen columns occupied by the Unicode string stri.
reverse (in string: stri)
Reverse the characters in a string.
trim (in string: stri)
Return string with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
ltrim (in string: stri)
Return string with leading whitespace omitted.
rtrim (in string: stri)
Return string with trailing whitespace omitted.
trimValue (in type: aType, in string: stri)
Trim a string such that it can be converted to aType.
trimValue (attr string, in string: stri)
Trim a string such that it can be converted to string.
str (in string: stri)
Convert to a string.
string (in string: stri)
Convert to a string.

Operator Detail

. value

const string: (attr string) . value

Default value of string ("").


const func string: (in string: stri) mult (in integer: factor)

String multiplication. The string stri is concatenated to itself such that in total factor strings are concatenated.

"LA" mult 3     returns "LALALA"
"WORD" mult 0   returns ""
the result of the string multiplication.
RANGE_ERROR - If the factor is negative.


const func string: (in string: stri) lpad (in integer: length)

Pad a string with spaces at the left side up to a given length.

the string left padded with spaces.


const func string: (in string: stri) lpad0 (in integer: length)

Pad a string with zeroes at the left side up to a given length. A '+' or '-' sign in front is left intact.

 "123" lpad0 5  returns  "00123"
"-123" lpad0 5  returns "-00123"
 "123" lpad0 2  returns    "123"
"-123" lpad0 2  returns   "-123"
the string left padded with zeroes.


const func string: (in string: stri) rpad (in integer: length)

Pad a string with spaces at the right side up to a given length.

the string right padded with spaces.


const func string: (in string: stri1) & (in string: stri2)

Concatenate two strings. This operator is intended for normal expressions. Its parameters are not converted to string.

the result of the concatenation.


const func string: (in string: stri1) <& (in string: stri2)

Concatenate two strings. This operator is intended for write statements. The functions enable_io respectively enable_output overload the <& operator for many types. This overloaded operators optionally convert parameters to string.

the result of the concatenation.


const func char: (in string: stri) [ (in integer: index) ]

Get a character, identified by an index, from a string. The first character has the index 1.

"abcde"[1]  returns 'a'
"abcde"[5]  returns 'e'
"abcde"[0]  raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[6]  raises INDEX_ERROR
the character specified with the index.
INDEX_ERROR - If the index is less than 1 or greater than the length of the string.


const func string: (in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) .. ]

Get a substring beginning at a start position. The first character in a string has the position 1.

"abcde"[3 ..]  returns "cde"
"abcde"[6 ..]  returns ""
     ""[1 ..]  returns ""
"abcde"[1 ..]  returns "abcde"
"abcde"[0 ..]  raises INDEX_ERROR
stri - Source string from which the substring is created.
start - Start position which must be >= 1.
the substring beginning at the start position.
INDEX_ERROR - The start position is negative or zero.
MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.

[ ..

const func string: (in string: stri) [ .. (in integer: stop) ]

Get a substring ending at a stop position. The first character in a string has the position 1.

"abcde"[.. 4]   returns "abcd"
"abcde"[.. 6]   returns "abcde"
     ""[.. 5]   returns ""
"abcde"[.. 0]   returns ""
"abcde"[.. -1]  raises INDEX_ERROR
stri - Source string from which the substring is created.
stop - Stop position which must be >= 0.
the substring ending at the stop position.
INDEX_ERROR - The stop position is negative.
MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.


const func string: (in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) .. (in integer: stop) ]

Get a substring from a start position to a stop position. The first character in a string has the position 1.

"abcde"[2 .. 4]   returns "bcd"
"abcde"[2 .. 7]   returns "bcde"
"abcde"[4 .. 3]   returns ""
"abcde"[4 .. 2]   raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[6 .. 8]   returns ""
"abcde"[1 .. 3]   returns "abc"
"abcde"[0 .. 3]   raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[1 .. 0]   returns ""
"abcde"[1 .. -1]  raises INDEX_ERROR
stri - Source string from which the substring is created.
start - Start position which must be >= 1.
stop - Stop position which must be >= pred(start).
the substring from position start to stop.
INDEX_ERROR - The start position is negative or zero, or the stop position is less than pred(start).
MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.


const func string: (in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) len (in integer: length) ]

Get a substring from a start position with a given length. The first character in a string has the position 1.

"abcde"[2 len 3]   returns "bcd"
"abcde"[2 len 5]   returns "bcde"
"abcde"[3 len 0]   returns ""
"abcde"[6 len 2]   returns ""
"abcde"[3 len -1]  raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[0 len 2]   raises INDEX_ERROR
stri - Source string from which the substring is created.
start - Start position which must be >= 1.
length - Requested maximum length of the substring.
the substring from the start position with up to length characters.
INDEX_ERROR - The start position is negative or zero, or the length is negative.
MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.


const func string: (in string: stri) [ (in integer: start) fixLen (in integer: length) ]

Get a substring from a start position with a guaranteed length. The first character in a string has the position 1.

"abcde"[2 fixLen 3]   returns "bcd"
"abcde"[3 fixLen 0]   returns ""
"abcde"[2 fixLen 5]   raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[6 fixLen 2]   raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[3 fixLen -1]  raises INDEX_ERROR
"abcde"[0 fixLen 2]   raises INDEX_ERROR
     ""[1 fixLen 0]   raises INDEX_ERROR
stri - Source string from which the substring is created.
start - Start position between 1 and length(stri).
length - Guaranteed length of the substring.
the substring from the start position with length characters.
INDEX_ERROR - The length is negative, or the start position is outside of the string, or the substring from the start position has less than length characters.
MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.


const proc: (inout string: destination) &:= (in string: extension)

Append the string extension to destination.

MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory for the concatenated string.


const proc: (inout string: destination) &:= (in char: extension)

Append the char extension to destination.

MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory for the concatenated string.

@:= [

const proc: (inout string: destination) @:= [ (in integer: position) ] (in char: source)

Assign char source to the position of the destination.

A @:= [B] C;

is equivalent to

A := A[..pred(B)] & str(C) & A[succ(B)..];
INDEX_ERROR - If position is negative or zero, or a character beyond destination would be overwritten (position > length(destination) holds).

@:= [

const proc: (inout string: destination) @:= [ (in integer: position) ] (in string: source)

Assign string source to the position of the destination.

A @:= [B] C;

is equivalent to

A := A[..pred(B)] & C & A[B+length(C)..];
INDEX_ERROR - If position is negative or zero, or if destination is smaller than source, or characters beyond destination would be overwritten (position + length(source) > succ(length(destination)) holds).


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) = (in string: stri2)

Check if two strings are equal.

TRUE if both strings are equal, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) <> (in string: stri2)

Check if two strings are not equal.

FALSE if both strings are equal, TRUE otherwise.


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) < (in string: stri2)

Check if stri1 is less than stri2.

TRUE if stri1 is less than stri2, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) > (in string: stri2)

Check if stri1 is greater than stri2.

TRUE if stri1 is greater than stri2, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) <= (in string: stri2)

Check if stri1 is less than or equal to stri2.

TRUE if stri1 is less than or equal to stri2, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: (in string: stri1) >= (in string: stri2)

Check if stri1 is greater than or equal to stri2.

TRUE if stri1 is greater than or equal to stri2, FALSE otherwise.


const func string: (attr string) parse (in string: stri)

Convert to a string.

its parameter unchanged.

Function Detail


const func integer: compare (in string: stri1, in string: stri2)

Compare two strings.

-1, 0 or 1 if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.


const func integer: hashCode (in string: stri)

Compute the hash value of a string.

the hash value.


const func integer: length (in string: stri)

Determine the length of a string.

the length of the string.


const func boolean: startsWith (in string: stri, in string: prefix)

Determine if a string starts with a prefix.

startsWith("tmp_s7c.c", "tmp_")  returns TRUE
startsWith("example", "E")       returns FALSE
TRUE if stri starts with prefix, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: endsWith (in string: stri, in string: suffix)

Determine if a string ends with a suffix.

endsWith("hello.sd7", ".sd7")  returns TRUE
endsWith("A string", "\0;")    returns FALSE
TRUE if stri ends with suffix, FALSE otherwise.


const func boolean: equalAtIndex (in string: stri, in string: searched, in integer: index)

Check if stri has the searched characters starting from index.

equalAtIndex("The quick brown fox", "quick", 5)  returns TRUE
equalAtIndex("axis", "xi", 3)                    returns FALSE
TRUE if stri has the searched characters starting from index, FALSE otherwise.


const func integer: pos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched)

Determine leftmost position of string searched in mainStri. If the string is found the position of its first character is the result. The first character in a string has the position 1.

pos("ABCDE ABCDE", "BC")  returns  2
pos("XYZXYZ", "ZYX")      returns  0
pos("123456789", "")      returns  0
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched.


const func integer: pos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched)

Determine leftmost position of char searched in mainStri. The first character in a string has the position 1.

pos("ABCABC", 'B')  returns  2
pos("XYZ", 'A')     returns  0
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched.


const func integer: pos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in integer: fromIndex)

Search string searched in mainStri at or after fromIndex. The search starts at fromIndex and proceeds to the right. If the string is found the position of its first character is the result. The first character in a string has the position 1. The pos function is designed to allow loops like:

index := pos(stri, searchedStri);
while index <> 0 do
  # Do something with index
  index := pos(stri, searchedStri, succ(index));
end while;
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched at or after fromIndex.
RANGE_ERROR - If fromIndex <= 0 holds.


const func integer: pos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched, in integer: fromIndex)

Search char searched in mainStri at or after fromIndex. The search starts at fromIndex and proceeds to the right. The first character in a string has the position 1.

the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched at or after fromIndex.
RANGE_ERROR - If fromIndex <= 0 holds.


const func integer: rpos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched)

Determine rightmost position of string searched in mainStri. If the string is found the position of its first character is the result. The first character in a string has the position 1.

rpos("ABCDE ABCDE", "BC")  returns  8
rpos("XYZXYZ", "ZYX")      returns  0
rpos("123456789", "")      returns  0
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched.


const func integer: rpos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched)

Determine rightmost position of char searched in mainStri. The first character in a string has the position 1.

rpos("ABCABC", 'B')  returns  5
rpos("XYZ", 'A')     returns  0
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched.


const func integer: rpos (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in integer: fromIndex)

Search string searched in mainStri at or before fromIndex. The search starts at fromIndex and proceeds to the left. The first character in a string has the position 1. The rpos function is designed to allow loops like:

index := rpos(stri, searchedStri);
while index <> 0 do
  # Do something with index
  index := rpos(stri, searchedStri, pred(index));
end while;
the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched at or before fromIndex.
RANGE_ERROR - If fromIndex > length(stri) holds.


const func integer: rpos (in string: mainStri, in char: searched, in integer: fromIndex)

Search char searched in mainStri at or before fromIndex. The search starts at fromIndex and proceeds to the left. The first character in a string has the position 1.

the position of searched or 0 if mainStri does not contain searched at or before fromIndex.
RANGE_ERROR - If fromIndex > length(stri) holds.


const func string: replace (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)

Replace occurrences of searched in mainStri by replacement. The function processes mainStri from left to right and replaces searched by replacement. After a searched has been replaced the search for the next searched starts after the replacement. If a replacement creates new occurrences of searched they are left intact.

replace("old gold", "old", "one")        returns "one gone"
replace("it   is very  low", "  ", " ")  returns "it  is very low"
replace("balll", "all", "al")            returns "ball"
replace("faaaaceeees", "aacee", "ace")   returns "faaaceees"
the result of the replacement.


const func string: replace1 (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)

Replace one occurrence of searched in mainStri by replacement. If there is no occurrence of searched return the unchanged mainStri.

the result of the replacement.


const func string: replaceN (in string: mainStri, in string: searched, in string: replacement)

Replace all occurrences of searched in mainStri by replacement. The function processes mainStri from left to right and replaces searched by replacement. If a replacement creates new occurrences of searched they are replaced also. This can be used to replace multiple occurrences of a character by one occurrence

replaceN("//path///file", "//", "/")      returns "/path/file"
replaceN("it   is very  low", "  ", " ")  returns "it is very low"
replaceN("balll", "all", "al")            returns "bal"
replaceN("faaaaceeees", "aacee", "ace")   returns "faces"
the result of the replacement.
MEMORY_ERROR - If searched is a substring of replacement.


const func string: replace2 (in string: mainStri, in string: search1, in string: search2, in string: replacement)

Replace occurrences of search1 followed by search2 with replacement. Searches mainStri for search1 followed by search2. The characters from the beginning of search1 to the end of search2 are replaced by replacement. There can be zero or more characters between search1 and search2. With replace2 unnested comments can be removed:

replace2("x := (*ord*) y;", "(*", "*)", "")  returns "x :=  y;"
the result of the replacement.


const func string: upper (in string: stri)

Convert a string to upper case. The conversion uses the default Unicode case mapping, where each character is considered in isolation. Characters without case mapping are left unchanged. The mapping is independent from the locale. Individual character case mappings cannot be reversed, because some characters have multiple characters that map to them.

the string converted to upper case.


const func string: lower (in string: stri)

Convert a string to lower case. The conversion uses the default Unicode case mapping, where each character is considered in isolation. Characters without case mapping are left unchanged. The mapping is independent from the locale. Individual character case mappings cannot be reversed, because some characters have multiple characters that map to them.

the string converted to lower case.


const func integer: width (in string: stri)

Number of screen columns occupied by the Unicode string stri. The width of single characters can be 0,1 or 2 depending on the width occupied on a terminal. Non-spacing characters and control characters have width of 0. Kanji and other full width characters have a width of 2.

the sum of the character widths in stri.


const func string: reverse (in string: stri)

Reverse the characters in a string.

reverse("ABC")  returns "CBA"
the reversed string.


const func string: trim (in string: stri)

Return string with leading and trailing whitespace omitted. All characters less than or equal to ' ' (space) count as whitespace.

trim(" /n xyz /r")  returns "xyz"
string with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.


const func string: ltrim (in string: stri)

Return string with leading whitespace omitted. All characters less than or equal to ' ' (space) count as whitespace.

ltrim(" /n xyz /r")  returns "xyz /r"
string with leading whitespace omitted.


const func string: rtrim (in string: stri)

Return string with trailing whitespace omitted. All characters less than or equal to ' ' (space) count as whitespace.

rtrim(" /n xyz /r")  returns " /n xyz"
string with trailing whitespace omitted.


const func string: trimValue (in type: aType, in string: stri)

Trim a string such that it can be converted to aType. Removes leading and trailing whitespace from stri. This function is overloaded for types where removing leading or trailing whitespace would change the value.

trimValue(integer, " 1 ")                 returns "1"
integer(trimValue(integer, " 1 "))        returns 1
integer parse trimValue(integer, " 1 ")   returns 1
the trimmed string.


const func string: trimValue (attr string, in string: stri)

Trim a string such that it can be converted to string. Leaves stri unchanged, since trimming would change the value.

trimValue(string, " 1 ")                returns " 1 "
string(trimValue(string, " 1 "))        returns " 1 "
string parse trimValue(string, " 1 ")   returns " 1 "
the unchanged string.


const func string: str (in string: stri)

Convert to a string.

its parameter unchanged.


const func string: string (in string: stri)

Convert to a string.

its parameter unchanged.

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