Libraries |
Ftp | Source Code |
Types | ||||
| ||||
const type: ftpFileSys
Extended FileSys interface type for FTP file systems. This interface type allows access to FTP specific methods: listDir, getActiveMode, setActiveMode, getAsciiTransfer, setAsciiTransfer. If this methods are not needed the interface type fileSys can be used instead.
const type: ftpConnection
ftpFileSys implementation type for a connection to a FTP server. The file system methods trigger requests to the FTP server.
Function Summary | |||||
ftpFileSys |
| ||||
ftpFileSys |
| ||||
ftpFileSys |
| ||||
ftpFileSys |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
array string |
| ||||
array string |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
string |
| ||||
fileType |
| ||||
fileType |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
bigInteger |
| ||||
time |
| ||||
boolean |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
boolean |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
file |
| ||||
string |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
string |
Function Detail |
const func ftpFileSys: openFtp (in string: hostName, in string: user, in string: password, in integer: ftpControlPort)
Open a FTP file system at the specified host, user and port.
- Parameters:
- hostName - Either a host name ("e.g.: ""), or an IPv4 address in standard dot notation (e.g.: ""), or an IPv6 address in colon notation.
- user - Username to be used for the login.
- password - Password to be used for the login.
- ftpControlPort - Port to be used for the control connection. FTP usually uses the port 21, but other ports can also be specified.
- Returns:
- a file system that uses the FTP connection, or fileSys.value if the connection to the remote host could not be established.
const func ftpFileSys: openFtp (in string: hostName, in string: user, in string: password)
Open a FTP file system at the specified host and user. This function uses port 21.
- Parameters:
- hostName - Either a host name ("e.g.: ""), or an IPv4 address in standard dot notation (e.g.: ""), or an IPv6 address in colon notation.
- user - Username to be used for the login.
- password - Password to be used for the login.
- Returns:
- a file system that uses the FTP connection, or fileSys.value if the connection to the remote host could not be established.
const func ftpFileSys: openFtp (in string: connectStri, in integer: ftpControlPort)
Open a FTP file system with the specified connectStri and port. The connectStri should be in the form
to specify user and password. If no password is specified the password "anonymous" is used instead:
If no user and password are specified the user "anonymous" is used together with the password "anonymous":
The hostName is either a host name ("e.g.: ""), or an IPv4 address in standard dot notation (e.g.: ""). Operating systems supporting IPv6 may also accept an IPv6 address in colon notation.
- Parameters:
- connectStri - Connection string in one of the forms user:password@hostName user@hostName or hostName If no user is specified the user "anonymous" is used. If no password is specified the password "anonymous" is used.
- Returns:
- a file system that uses the FTP connection, or fileSys.value if the connection to the remote host could not be established.
const func ftpFileSys: openFtp (in string: connectStri)
Open a FTP file system with the specified connectStri. The connectStri should be in the form
to specify user and password. If no password is specified the password "anonymous" is used instead:
If no user and password are specified the user "anonymous" is used together with the password "anonymous":
This function uses the port 21 (defined as defaultFtpControlPort). The hostName is either a host name ("e.g.: ""), or an IPv4 address in standard dot notation (e.g.: ""). Operating systems supporting IPv6 may also accept an IPv6 address in colon notation.
- Parameters:
- connectStri - Connection string in one of the forms user:password@hostName user@hostName or hostName If no user is specified the user "anomymous" is used. If no password is specified the password "anomymous" is used.
- Returns:
- a file system that uses the FTP connection, or fileSys.value if the connection to the remote host could not be established.
const func array string: readDir (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: dirPath)
Determine the filenames in a directory, using a FTP connection.
- Returns:
- an array with the file names.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const func array string: listDir (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: dirPath)
Get a directory listing, using a FTP connection.
- Returns:
- an array with the file names.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: chdir (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: dirName)
Change the current working directory of a FTP connection.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const func string: getcwd (inout ftpConnection: ftp)
Determine the current working directory of a FTP connection.
- Returns:
- the current working directory as absolute path.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const func fileType: fileType (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Determine the type of a file. The function does follow symbolic links. Therefore it never returns FILE_SYMLINK. A return value of FILE_ABSENT does not imply that a file with this name can be created, since missing directories and invalid file names cause also FILE_ABSENT.
- Returns:
- the type of the file.
const func fileType: fileTypeSL (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Determine the type of a file. Since in FTP symbolic links are not defined this function is identical to fileType.
- Returns:
- the type of the file.
const func integer: fileSize (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Determine the file size of a file. The file size is measured in bytes.
- Returns:
- the size of the file.
const func bigInteger: bigFileSize (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Determine the file size of a file. The file size is measured in bytes.
- Returns:
- the size of the file.
const func time: getMTime (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Determine the modification time of a file.
- Returns:
- the modification time of the file.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - the modification time is not representable in the type time.
const func boolean: getActiveMode (in ftpConnection: ftp)
Get the data transfer mode.
- Returns:
- TRUE, if the transfer mode is active, or FALSE, if the transfer mode is passive.
const proc: setActiveMode (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in boolean: activeMode)
Set the data transfer mode to active (=TRUE) or passive (=FALSE). By default passive mode is used.
const func boolean: getAsciiTransfer (in ftpConnection: ftp)
Get the file transfer type.
- Returns:
- TRUE, if the file transfer type is ASCII, or FALSE, if the file transfer type is BINARY.
const proc: setAsciiTransfer (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in boolean: asciiTransfer)
Set the file transfer type to ASCII (=TRUE) or BINARY (=FALSE). By default binary transfer is used.
const func file: open (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: filePath, in string: mode)
Open a file with filePath and mode using a FTP connection. There are text modes and binary modes:
- Binary modes:
- "r" Open file for reading.
- "w" Open or create file for writing and truncate to zero length.
- Text modes:
- "rt" Open file for reading.
- "wt" Open or create file for writing and truncate to zero length.
No other FTP functions can be used while reading and writing this file is going on. After this file has been closed other FTP functions can be used.
- Binary modes:
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - The mode is not one of the allowed values or path does not use the standard path representation
const func string: getFile (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: filePath)
Get the contents of file filePath using a FTP connection.
- Returns:
- the specified file as string.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: putFile (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: filePath, in string: stri)
Write stri to remote file filePath using a FTP connection. If the file exists already, it is overwritten.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: removeFile (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: fileName)
Remove a file using a FTP connection.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: moveFile (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: sourcePath, in string: destPath)
Rename a file using a FTP connection.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: makeDir (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: dirName)
Creates a directory on a remote host using a FTP connection.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const proc: rmdir (inout ftpConnection: ftp, in string: dirName)
Deletes an empty directory using a FTP connection.
- Raises:
- FILE_ERROR - The remote host returns an error.
const func string: getFtp (in string: location)
Get data specified by a location using the FTP protocol. The contents of the file "/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt" can be obtained from the computer with:
User and password can be specified with:
- Parameters:
- location - Url without ftp:// at the beginning.
- Returns:
- the string of data found, or "" if nothing was found.